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Oil on Canvas, 36" x 36" (unframed)
Frame: 4" Wood

The boy is looking back towards his burning home with sadness and fear, tears beginning to swell in his eyes. His younger sister sleeps peacefully on his back oblivious in her innocence to what's happening around her. Their faithful dog is close at his heels, also looking back with his characteristic sad eyes even sadder.

The left side of the painting shows the fires of destruction and on the sky above it, bomber planes. In front of them is the pristine glow of sunrise, symbolizing hope and peace. On the clouds above are the image of Gandhi, a towering symbol for non-violence; and the outlines of peace doves. On the trees in front of them is the image of Mother Theresa, symbolizing compassion and succor for those in need. The bushes along the path look trimmed, indicating the need for the whole world to work together to keep the path to peace well tended and never neglected, free from all the debris in the human heart and soul that make it want to engage in war.

The boy's face echoes the cry of a sane world: PEACE PLEASE!

For price and purchase, please contact Judy.

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